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Students' Experiences 2008


Saqqara is an ancient burial ground located about 19 miles south of Cairo.  During the time Memphis was the capital of ancient Egypt, Saqqara served as its necropolis and the earliest burials there can be traced back to the first dynasty. Most striking is Pharoah Zoser’s (or Djoser’s) stepped pyramid; one of the oldest standing stone structures in the world.       


My first impression of 21st century Egypt was based on media misrepresentation. I thought the environment was all desert, even along the Nile River. I had this envision of a military zone with armed guards on every corner and abused wives hurrying along in the streets covered in burkas. People preoccupied with war and hatred. However, nothing could be farther from the truth. I read many books regarding the great historical details surrounding within Egypt, so naturally I was more excited about the historical content within Egypt.


One of the highlights about going to a foreign county such as Egypt is the opportunity to buy unique items and bargain for those items.  Unlike the United States, Egypt is not a commercialized country which allows for more self owned shops, handcrafted pieces, and more variety in the items available.  The goods in Egypt are also foreign to people in America which makes them mysterious and desired. 


The temple of Luxor is an ancient Egyptian temple located on the east bank of the Nile River.  The Luxor Temple is located in the center of town in Luxor. While we drove by in our bus we could see the majestic mile and a half of sphinxes that line the entrance to the temple. They connect the Luxor temple with the temple of Karnak.  As you walk up to the temple of Luxor you are greeted by two awe-inspiring eighty foot tall statues of Rameses II.  They are both seated on either side of the entrance to the temple. You are also greeted by a huge eighty two foot pink granite obelisk. There were originally two granite obelisks now there is just one; the other is in Paris, France given by Egypt in the early 19th century (Atherton, 186).


When going to Egypt, one is thrust into the culture with the first steps off the plane. All around there are astounding architectural marvels which put most American built “grandeurs” and monuments to shame. It’s easy to believe that after seeing the pyramids, the epitome of Egyptian ingenuity and history, that anything that would have been seen before hand would be instantly forgotten. However, that is not true by any means.